MR DOUGLAS’ REJOINDER When Senator Douglas rose to reply to Mr. Lincoln, six cheers were called for in the crowd, and given with great spirit. He said, quieting the applause: Gentlmen: The highest compliment you can pay me...
Archive - August 2014
Lincoln-Douglas Debates – 5th Debate in Galesburg, Illinois. Lincoln’s Reply
MR. LINCOLN’S REPLY Mr. Lincoln was received as he came forward with three enthusiastic cheers, coming from every part of the vast assembly. After silence was restored, Mr. Lincoln said: MY FELLOW-CITIZENS:-A very large portion of the...
Lincoln-Douglas Debates – 5th Debate in Galesburg, Illinois
Lincoln-Douglas 5th Debate in Galesburg, Illinois
Lincoln-Douglas Debates – 3rd Debate in Jonesboro, Illinois. Mr. Douglas Rejoinder
MR. DOUGLAS’ REJOINDER Mr. Douglas on again taking the stand was greeted with thundering applause. He said: My friends, while I am very grateful to you for the enthusiasm which you show for me, I will say in all candor, that your...
Lincoln-Douglas Debates – 3rd Debate in Jonesboro, Illinois. Lincoln’s Reply
MR LINCOLN’S REPLY Mr. Lincoln was then introduced to the audience by D.L. Phillips, Esq., and was greeted with three cheers, and then “three more;” after which he said: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: There is very much in the principles...
Lincoln-Douglas Debates – 3rd Debate in Jonesboro, Illinois
Lincoln-Douglas 3rd Debate in Jonesboro, Illinois
Lincoln-Douglas Debates – 2nd Debate in Freeport, Illinois. Lincoln’s Rejoinder
MR LINCOLN’S REJOINDER As Mr. Lincoln arose he was greeted with vociferous cheers. He said: My friends: It will readily occur to you that I cannot, in half an hour, notice all the things that so able a man as Judge Douglas can say in...
Lincoln-Douglas Debates – 2nd Debate in Freeport, Illinois. Douglas’ Reply
MR DOUGLAS’ SPEECH Ladies and Gentlemen-The silence with which you have listened to Mr. Lincoln during his hour is creditable to this vast audience, composed of men of various political parties. Nothing is more honorable to any large...
Lincoln-Douglas Debates – 2nd Debate in Freeport, Illinois
Lincoln-Douglas 2nd Debate in Freeport, Illinois
Lincoln-Douglas Debates – 1st Debate in Ottawa, Illinois. Douglas’ Rejoinder
MR DOUGLAS’ REJOINDER Fellow citizens: I will now occupy the half hour allotted to me in replying to Mr. Lincoln. The first point to which I will call your attention is, as to what I said about the organization of the Republican party in 1854...